Building With


Useful tips for building advanced blocks.

Query Loop – Select Specific Category

If you are looking to create a page showing the latest blog posts of a specific category, this can be achieved with Query Loop.

In my case, I’m looking to create a Home Page with 6 posts from a specific category.


Click on the ‘+‘ icon and add the Query Loop block from GenerateBlocks.

Add Query Loop


Query Loop will give you multiple layout options. Select the one that best suits your blog.



Leave the Select post type as Posts and you can modify the Posts per page to a number of your preference.

Query Loop Add Parameter


Select Taxonomies from the scroll-down menu.



Then select Categories for Taxonomies and from the drop down menu select the category you would like to feature.

In my case, I decided to show the latest posts from the Graphics category.

If you have sub-categories and would like to feature posts within those categories, then enable Include child terms by toggling the button.


Final Results

Click on Save draft or Publish, and you are done!

Your page should now feature the latest posts from the specific category of your choice.

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