
Easy-to-follow guides created with beginners in mind.

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Building With


Some of the functionalities of GenerateBlocks are not well-known and since I primarily use it to build blocks and pages, I wanted to share some useful tips.

A quick introduction to GenerateBlocks and what can be actually built with a limited number of blocks.

Button allows you to force download a file/image instead of opening it on a separate page.

Removing the latest published post from the Query Loop.

How to link an image to the media file using the new Image block by GenerateBlocks.

Allows you to create a page showing the latest blog posts from a specific category.

Showcase any relevant posts at the end of a single post. You can increase engagement and clickthrough rate.


Customization Tips

Over the years, I have made some minor and major changes to the default theme. These are some of the customizations I made to improve this website.

I’m sharing them here in an effort to help advance your GeneratePress theme’s functionality as well.

Default theme doesn’t come with the author box. Using the following code, you can add the Author Box to your posts.

Two methods for changing the columns on the Category Archives.

GeneratePress 3.0 update automatically enabled font smoothing, but you have the choice to turn it off.

An additional step is required to enable Google Fonts with CSS2 support to work on your website.

An additional step is required to enable Google Fonts with CSS2 support to work on your website.

Native GP doesn’t have this option available. With the following CSS option, you can enable a sticky sidebar.

GP Puzzle v10